2022-03-01 14:16SEK Notiser

Timely European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market

You are kindly invited to the Stakeholder Workshop on the Task Force “Timely European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market”.

Following the active participation in the 1st workshop of 16 November 2021 and great interest of a wide variety of stakeholders in the activity of the EC-ESOs Task Force on “Timely European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market” (TF), this 2nd workshop is organised to present the EC-ESOs TF progresses and achievements. The objective of the TF is to define agreed solutions, in order to adapt in a fast manner and make ready for use those standards identified as crucial.

Objective of the event
Given that standardisation is a stakeholder-driven process, it is important to ensure a continuous dialogue with all interested parties, experts and users. Standardisation is only as strong as the experts and users are. This event has the purpose of updating stakeholders on the progresses and achievements of the Task Force, and gathering inputs and feedback.

About the event

Organisers: The European Commission and the ESOs

Format: Online meeting
Participants: Open participation.

When? Wednesday 2 March 2022 from 14:00 - 16:30

Registration: Zoom registration link.

Om SEK Svensk Elstandard

SEK Svensk Elstandard är en ideell organisation som drivs utan vinstintresse och som är utsedd av regeringen att ansvara för all standardisering inom det elektrotekniska området i Sverige. Alla svenska företag, myndigheter, organisationer, högskolor och universitet kan delta i standardiseringsarbetet som till största del bedrivs genom internationella och europeiska samarbeten. SEK är svensk nationalkommitté i IEC, International Electrotechnical Commission. IEC och det internationella standardiseringsarbetet är stommen i SEKs verksamhet och standarder från IEC ligger till grund för de flesta europeiska och svenska standarder inom det elektrotekniska området.


SEK Svensk Elstandard